ACCME News and Events

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Women’s religion, culture and where they live may influence their choice of cervical cancer screening methods ACCME researchers in Nigeria have shown that women’s religion, culture and where they live determines what they know about cervical can...

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HPV may cause cancer of mouth and throat. Cancer in the region of the Head and Neck (also called HPV-related oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC)) in men and women is another type of cancer, other than cancer of the cervix, that is associat...

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Screening for HPV infection alone is adequate in the detection of cervical cancer. In a recent publication in the Journal of National Cancer Institute (JNCI), researchers showed that an HPV test alone could be used for cervical cancer screening inst...

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News | Newsletter |

Current Issue of Newsletter of Nigerian National System of Cancer Registries(NSCR) Visit the Nigerian National System of Cancer Registries (NSCR) website to read the latest Newsletter issue...

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