Useful Links

Useful Links

  • H3 Africa Initiative (Human Heredity and Health in Africa)
    The Human Heredity and Health in Africa (H3Africa) Initiative aims to facilitate a contemporary research approach to the study of genomics and environmental determinants of common diseases with the goal of improving the health of African populations. To accomplish this, the H3Africa Initiative aims to contribute to the development of the necessary expertise among African scientists, and to establish networks of African investigators.
  • National Institutes of Health
  • NIH Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS)
    Genomic research advances our understanding of factors that influence health and disease. In January 2008, NIH established expectations for sharing data obtained through NIH-funded genome-wide association studies (GWAS) with the implementation of the GWAS Policy. GWAS research compares DNA markers across the genome (an individual’s complete genetic material) in people with a disease or particular trait to people without the disease or trait. Information and resources related to the GWAS Policy can be found on this website.
  • West African Bioethics Training Program
    The West African Bioethics (WAB) program  is a program for teaching, service and research in International Bioethics. It is unique because it uses the opportunity afforded by its location in West Africa to research and train in Bioethics in English and French languages, both of which are widely spoken in the West African sub-region. WAB aims to take advantage of the rich cultural and colonial heritage of West Africa to develop robust research, training and service programs in Bioethics in West Africa. This program aims to build capacity for the ethical review of health research and to strengthen the capacity of the Ethics Committees in institutions throughout West Africa. Furthermore, this program aims to produce bioethics experts who can contribute to the global bioethics discourse from a West African perspective

All staff on the ACCME project have completed CITI training on CITI Informed Consent, Responsible Conduct of Research, Biosafety and Biosecurity Courses