Scientific Manuscript Writing

Scientific Manuscript Writing

February 28, 2014 By admin

Joint Training in Scientific Manuscript Writing


31st MARCH- 4TH APRIL, 2014

This is a 5-day intensive writing course designed for early and mid-career medical and life sciences researchers aimed improving their skills in scientific writing and enhance the quality of manuscripts for publication.

The course is arranged so that each day has a specific theme:

  • Science writing
  • English language style and usage
  • Preparing the manuscript
  • Citation and References
  • Responsible Conduct of Research


Course Fees

  • 100,000 (NGN)


Acceptance in this course is competitive because of limited space

Interested participants should send the following:

  • Completed Application Form
  • NIH format biosketch
  • Mentor Letter of Support
  • A statement (one page or less) summarizing your ongoing   research/writing project and reasons why this course will be beneficial

Download the Application Form Here

Download sample Biosketch for the application Form

 Application Deadline: March 3rd 2014, 12.00 a.m W.A.T


Email your complete applications and documents with subject line 

“Joint Training in Scientific Manuscript Writing” to:

The Course Administrator,

Scientific Manuscript Writing Course

Sponsored by

  • Training Program in Nigeria for NCD Research
  • West African Bioethics
  • African Collaborative Center for Microbiome and Genomics Research
  • Capacity Development for Research into AIDS Associated Malignancies
  • IHV-UM AIDS International Training and Research Program