World Cancer Day 2014

World Cancer Day 2014

February 28, 2014 By admin

Every year on February 4th, the global community joins the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) in marking the World Cancer Day. This year’s campaign focused on the Target 5 of the World Cancer Declaration – Reduce stigma and dispel myths about cancer, under the theme “Debunk the myths”. There are still so many myths about cancer of which just four are highlighted this year and must be debunked to save millions of preventable deaths globally.
These myths include;

  • We don’t need to talk about cancer
  • There are no signs or symptoms for cancer
  • There is nothing I can do about cancer
  •  I don’t have the right to cancer care.

According to the World Health Organization(WHO), the global cancer epidemic is set to rise to 1.5million lives which would be lost to cancer and could be saved per year if decisive measure are taken to achieve the WHO’s “25 by 25 target”; to reduce premature deaths due to non-communicable diseases (NCD’s) by 25% by 2025.In view of this, members of the Society of Oncology and Cancer Research of Nigeria (SOCRON), the staff of Institute of Human Virology, Nigeria, NSCR and ACCME organized an awareness campaign to mark the World Cancer Day. The aim was to sensitize and enlighten the public about the impact of cancer burden in Nigeria and encourage early detection of cancer. The campaign was supported by Glaxo Smith Kline, Nigeria.
The activities included:

  • A cancer-walkathon around and the distribution of information education communication (IEC) materials on various types of cancer and myths about cancer at the Central Business District and Utako market in Abuja.  During this activity, people were counseled and advised on the need for cancer screening and lifestyle modification. The Punch – a national newspaper – was present to cover the walkathon activity.
  • There was also an interview segment by news reporters with Prof Clement Adebamowo, the director of the NSCR and President of SOCRON on the cancer burden in Nigeria, cancer predisposing factors and the activities of NSCR in providing data on cancer incidence in Nigeria, among others.


  • Community outreach to about 700 people on the myths surrounding cancer and the need to debunk these myths
  • Provision of information on sites where members of the community can receive free cervical cancer screening

Engagement of the community to discuss cancer openly and express their views/opinions