8th Annual Symposium on Global Cancer Research – Call for Abstracts Now Open

8th Annual Symposium on Global Cancer Research – Call for Abstracts Now Open

October 4, 2019 By admin

This is to announce that the 8th Annual Symposium on Global Cancer Research (ASGCR2020) will take place on Friday, April 17, 2020, preceding the 11th Annual Consortium of Universities for Global Health Conference in Washington DC. The theme for the ASGCR2020 is “Creative approaches to global cancer research and control”.  The call for abstracts is currently open for those interested in presenting original research, projects, or programs that offer unique insights into global cancer control strategies. Accepted abstracts will be selected for posters or presentations at ASGCR2020, and will be published in the Journal of Global Oncology. The deadline to submit abstracts for consideration is November 22, 2019. With support from Johns Hopkins Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, competitive travel awards will be awarded to authors of outstanding abstracts from low- and middle-income countries.

For additional information about ASGCR2020 and abstract submission guidelines, please visit: https://easychair.org/cfp/asgcr8.

In addition to the call for abstracts, we invite you to submit your 2020 Rachel Pearline Award nominations to recognize individuals who have made major contributions to global cancer research and practice, and whose work focuses on low-and-middle-income countries. The Rachel Pearline Award is presented in honor of Rachel Pearline, MD, MPH, posthumously awarded in 2016 following her death at the age of 38 from gastric cancer. For her work, she received a prestigious Fogarty International Clinical Research Fellowship and Tulane’s award for “Outstanding International Relationships”. Dr. Pearline viewed the practice of medicine as a privilege, always striving to serve her patients better. The 2020 Rachel Pearline Award recipient will be invited to give a keynote lecture at the 8th Annual Symposium on Global Cancer Research.

The deadline to submit nominations is October 16, 2019.

The National Cancer Institute Center for Global Health (CGH) is working in partnership with the Consortium of Universities for Global Health; Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center; Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins University; University of Maryland Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center; American Society of Clinical Oncology; and American Association for Cancer Research to host the ASGCR2020.  Registration for the Symposium will open in early 2020.

Submit your ASGCR2020 presentation abstracts and 2020 Rachel Pearline Award nominations today, and remember to check CGH Global Health Events for the latest meeting and registration information. For questions regarding the Symposium, or about the abstract and award nomination guidelines, please contact Kalina Duncan, Lead Public Health Analyst, CGH.