ACCME News and Events

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You can read the full success story of ACCME Study in the Page 4 of the Latest - The NIH Common Fund Research Grantee Success Stories...

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Two grants totaling more than $300,000 will support studies on genomic literacy among Africans as it relates to research conducted in Africa by African investigators. The three-year grants are part of the Human Heredity and Health in Africa (H3Africa...

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ACCME joins NIH in celebrating Decade of Discovery through her Common Fund initiative. The NIH’s investment in medical education and research conducted in Africa by African scientists is resulting in a growing synergy. Investments in training progr...

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Community Engagement Activity – Screening the Mabushi community DATE OF ACTIVITY: Thursday, 24th April, – Saturday, 26th of April, 2014 VENUE: Mabushi community, Abuja, Nigeria PURPOSE: The purpose of this activity was to Create awar...

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The Video Contest site has now gone live! Click here to visit it, view and vote for our Video at ACCME (numbered 38 on the list) as your favorite one. You can see the video below, or visit YouTube page by clicking here , don't forget to like our vide...

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Every year on February 4th, the global community joins the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) in marking the World Cancer Day. This year’s campaign focused on the Target 5 of the World Cancer Declaration - Reduce stigma and dispel...

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Joint Training in Scientific Manuscript Writing ABUJA, NIGERIA 31st MARCH- 4TH APRIL, 2014 This is a 5-day intensive writing course designed for early and mid-career medical and life sciences researchers aimed improving their skills in sci...

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Welcome to the newly developed ACCME website. The African Collaborative Center for Microbiome and Genomics Research is a multi-country, multi-institutional collaborative research. The objectives of the center are to collaborate and implement high imp...

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