Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

What are the eligibility requirements?

The study inclusion criteria are:
Women who are 18 to 70 years, have had vaginal sexual intercourse, are HIV negative and are not pregnant.
The study exclusion criteria are:
Prior history of cervical abnormalities, cervical cancer, total abdominal hysterectomy (have had their wombs removed) or unwilling/unable to return for follow-up visits.

What are the benefits of volunteering in this research?

This research will test for HPV infection and screen for cervical cancer using  colposcopically directed biopsies. Volunteers who are found with increased risk for cervical cancer and frank cervical cancer will be provided counselling, treatment options and referrals

Do I have to pay anything to participate?

There is no cost to you of participating in this research

Will this study or tests cause me any discomfort or put me at risk?

You may find some of the questions that you are asked uncomfortable. However our Research Associates are well trained and will do their best to question you sensitively and carefully. You may experience some discomfort such as tingling, mild pain and bruising at the site where blood is taken, or some discomfort during the vaginal examinations which is similar to what you would experience during a routine pelvic examination

What will be done with the blood samples collected?

The blood samples will be used to test heritable factors that are associated with risk of HPV infection, factors associated with HPV persistence, the character of the vaginal environment and cervical cancer. We will test the blood for signs that your body has recorded evidence of HPV infection by creating substances called antibodies in response to the HPV. Tests will be done to determine the accuracy of the information you gave us about your diet.

What will be done with the samples collected from the vagina and cervix?

The samples taken from the vagina and cervix will be used to determine the types of HPV infection, the chemicals and the bacteria in the vagina and the changes in the cells that make up the cervix

Will I receive the results of the tests?

Some of the tests that are carried out – particularly the HPV and cervical biopsy test – may have implications for your health. In such instances, we will inform you about these results and refer you for appropriate treatment. The results  of other tests such as the vaginal microenvironment- cytokines and microbiome- and the genomics tests (heritable factors) will not be provided to individuals because these are complex and their implications for individuals are still not clear. However volunteers will be informed about aggregate results through newsletters.

Will the information I provide to you be shared with other people?

Every effort will be made to protect your identity. All information supplied by you, test results and information about your biological specimens will be coded and identified by special numbers. Only the Principal Investigator or his designee will have access to this information

Will I be reimbursed for my participation?

You will be provided some compensation for your transportation at each clinic visit. Other than this, you will not be paid for participating in this research

If I participate in this research, can I choose at a later date to withdraw?

Yes. You may withdraw from this research at any time. There will be no penalties if you choose to withdraw. However certain information that you may have provided before you chose to withdraw may have already been shared with other researchers, transformed into other forms, or used in publications such that it may not be feasible to retrieve those samples or data.

Where can I go to participate in this research?

There are several institutions that are collaborating in this research. In Nigeria, the sites are Asokoro District Hospital, Garki General Hospital, National Hospital Abuja, University of Abuja Teaching Hospital, Gwagwalada and Federal Medical Center Keffi. In Zambia, the participating institutions are Center for Infectious Disease Research, Zambia and the University of Zambia. (to be confirmed)

What if I have additional questions?

Please use the link below to ask your questions and a response will be provided as soon as possible.
Enquiry Form