HPV may cause cancer of mouth and throat

HPV may cause cancer of mouth and throat

March 25, 2016 By admin

HPV may cause cancer of mouth and throat.
Cancer in the region of the Head and Neck (also called HPV-related oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC)) in men and women is another type of cancer, other than cancer of the cervix, that is associated with HPV infection. In this case, the infection occurs in the mouth and may be related to sexual practices. It is one of the cancers that is rapidly increasing in the population. Unlike cancer of the cervix, the prevention of which is the focus of the ACCME project, there is currently to proven prevention method for OPSCC.

Read more here:
Pytynia KB, Dahlstrom KR, Sturgis EM. Epidemiology of HPV-associated oropharyngeal cancer. Oral Oncol. 2014 May;50(5):380-6